Rabu, 21 April 2010



I face a dark corner multicolored, like the different colors of the rainbow.
net, gleaming curves of his body.
that accompanies the footsteps, turned into dust that shrouded memories.
somehow beautiful corner, always be points of view.
Quiet moments stabbed,
while sedated heartt by longing,
caught in a strong chain of body and soul.
until the sun sank behind the crowd back, offer quiet coolness of little.
time continous to spin for every period.
until it was time, but feeling unable to cover the pure.
facing a variety of flavors restless, when all is lost sight.

puisi ini ditujukkan untuk Retno Putri, Citra Sepriyani, Ati Nurbaiti, Iva Munzifa dan Nurma Dwi Darmayanti.
terima kasih kalian sudah dan akan selalu menjadi sahabat terbaikku.
mudah-mudahan persahabatan kita akan selalu kekal.amin

1 komentar:

  1. Weheheh.. Puisi'na ternyata Ok's jg ya klo brubah bahasa ya? xixixi.. nggak nyangka .. smoga kekal say the friendship Qt. amienn..
